April 18, 2008Entertainment merchandising and licensing company Merch Co International, the UK-based European counterpart to The Merchandise Company, based in Long Beach, California, announced today that it has entered into a merchandising agreement with Century Media Records.
"The Century Media roster forms a substantial and extremely strong addition to our existing roster and will be a focus of Merch Co's worldwide releases for 2008 and beyond," says Rachel Redfearn, Merch Co International Managing Director.
"We are very impressed by the performance of Merch Co in the U.S. and are looking forward to an equally successful cooperation with Merch Co International in Europe," states Oliver Withft, Century Media Records.
The Merchandise Company was formed in Huntington Beach, California. Since its inception, the company has quickly grown to become a leader for full-service, multi-channel entertainment merchandising projects. Clients include JOB FOR A COWBOY, TOKYO POLICE CLUB, BEHEMOTH, BLOC PARTY, and American comedian Larry The Cable Guy.
Merch Co International, Ltd. is based in Camden Town, London.